Sunday, August 19, 2012

Tita Cory, My President... thank you and farewell

Originally posted on August 4, 2009 via


President Corazon Aquino, or Tita Cory for many, was the very first president of my country whom I had the privilege to elect in 1986. I grew up to adulthood during the martial law years and there was no election when it was time for me to exercise my right of suffrage. 

Cory is acclaimed as the icon of democracy for her role of restoring freedom in the Philippines after a bloodless EDSA-1 revolution. So many accolades of her integrity, humility, and greatness of character have been written as the country's first lady president, and even now in her death. Many more will be written about this great woman after her death. Because Tita Cory leaves a legacy as the country's most important and most loved president of the postwar period.

I never had the chance to personally meet Cory Aquino in her life time. But she was, and will always be My President.

A week before her death, I offered a Mass intention for her healing as she was confined at the hospital, and implored God's grace for her to be able to bear the pains of suffering in submission to His will. The last moments of Cory, as narrated by her daughter Kris were like answered prayers from all those who love her. For she died peacefully on a first Saturday, the day of the Blessed Mother, and at 3:18 in the morning, the hour of grace. Truly in life and in death, Cory was God's obedient child.

Early Saturday morning of August 1, when I heard the news of her passing away, I cried for this great woman. I know that death is to be expected because human beings are never meant to be infinite. Yet when death comes to someone dear to us, the pain of loss is really unbearable. And I feel the same pain, with the demise of My President.

But I also know that in death Tita Cory finds the eternal peace with the Lord. So the tear of loss for this great lady becomes a sunshine of joy... that she now returns to the Father's house, where life is blissful and eternal. 

Tita Cory, My President, thank you for your legacy to our country... and farewell.

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