Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Gift of Life

Originally posted on September 5, 2011 via

Today, September 5, 2011, is an important milestone in my journey. Because it was on this day three years ago that I opted to leave the corporate world to enjoy life leisurely.

Life is a gift, we all say that. But often we take life for granted as we keep ourselves occupied with numerous mundane concerns. Often we have no choice, because living has become an expensive endeavor in a materialistic society, if we want to enjoy the comforts of living. So that we need to work and work hard to live comfortably for ourselves and for our dear ones. The irony is that we become so pressured to work that we forget to enjoy living.

Ah yes, "enjoy living", that seems to be a better term to use for "retirement". Because a retiree bids goodbye only to the demands and stress of working for a living, but in reality retirees have a choice to continue to be active and useful citizens. Because retirement is a second chance at life, a re-birth if you wish, celebrating life to the full albeit toward its sunset.

So today I like to say "thank you" to my family and friends for sharing in my life's journey in this world. Thank you, too, for the beautiful memories that we have created and cherish together. And thank you for the moments to listen to my thoughts on this important anniversary of my life's footprints in time.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for your generous love for the gift of life, and the patience to grant me this re-birth in my journey toward life's sunset.

Deo Optimo Maximo

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