Sunday, August 19, 2012

Commentary on Religious Issues

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 7:50pm

I stand solidly for my Church on all issues involving faith and morality.

The Church has made its stand against the RP bill, and like a faithful soldier I support unconditionally my Church on the issue, even against all odds and criticisms. The issues are clear: respect for all forms of life including the rights of the unborn, and protection of the family.

We cannot blame "poverty" on so called big population when all around us there are graft and corruptions, shameful malversation of public funds for personal use, huge expenditures of rich nations on weapons of destructions, the concentration of money and power on the few privileged families and groups, exploitation of the poor and the needy, etc. When we, as the whole human race, are able to stop all these ills of society and the world, there are enough resources to feed all the hungry and provide medical care to those who need them.

The real issue on the RP bill is really sex without accountability. Because reproductive health of parents cannot be a concern when we follow the natural law on reproduction.

Discussions on RP bill become divisive for us as a nation. I just heard a spokesperson of the government justifying that it is a part of democracy. But OMG, there are so many more important priorities that this government should attend to other than wasting time disagreeing on something that is really already provided for by natural law. For example the rising cost of fuel, the resulting rise in costs of basic commodities, the plight of OFWs, uncontrolled corruptions in govenrment, low wages of workers, etc.

In God's plan, this could be a cleansing process for the Church as well. We pride ourselves as the only Catholic nation in Asia. But we have more in numbers rather than in practice. So that only those committed and faithful to the teaching authority of the Church on faith and morality may remain.

This to me is the relevance of Christ's resurrection in our time: the Church collectively rising with our Lord Jesus Christ from the death of sensual pleasures and purely material concerns towards a higher dignity of life as children of God and citizens of the Kingdom waiting for those who keep faith and believe in the teachings of Christ, through His successors, the Pope and the bishops.

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