Sunday, August 19, 2012

Commentary on Political Observation

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 2:54pm

The Aquino Administration just marked their first year anniversary in office. But listening lately to their spokespersons is a big disappointment. Because they begin to sound arrogant, in speech and facial expression, in dealing with critics of their governance, and those who happen to disagree with their official pronouncement.
Perhaps, they should be gently reminded that their Boss is the President of all Filipinos, even those with differing views. At least they should be more respectful and tolerant of those who do not agree with their official pronouncements or manner of governance. After all, was it not their Boss who once said that the Filipino people are the real boss in this country? Or was that simply a political statement?

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