Sunday, August 19, 2012

Social and religious commentary on the RH bill

Originally posted on August 18, 2011 via

It looks like that the RH bill will become a law after all. With both the lower house and the senate sponsoring this bill, and the executive branch of government making it a priority, it is just a matter of time before it will become a law. 

As a Catholic, I feel sad and ashamed of this unfolding event. But it is not a loss for the Church. because the passage of this bill may become a purification for the pilgrim Church on earth. That is to say, only those who listen to the teaching of the Church, which reflects the will of God, on the sanctity of life are worthy to stay with this Church established directly by Jesus and entrusted to the care of Saint Peter the apostle, who was our first Pope. Thus, the pilgrim Church will be undergoing a purification of its self while in journey on earth. So that at harvest time, the angels won't have a hard time separating the weeds from the wheat, because by our actions we shall be judged. Believe me that the Church will never lose, because it is the People of God on earth.

Yet following the example of compassion and forgiveness by our Lord Jesus himself as he was dying on the cross, let us pray for our brethren pushing for the RH bill. Because they are just victims of the evil one who continues to deceive unsuspecting souls with rewards of worldly pleasures.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us all. Blessed Mother, please intercede for our people and our country.

Deo Optimo Maximo

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