Sunday, August 19, 2012

A year after... in my road to "freedom"...

Originally posted on September 4, 2009 via


5 September 2009:

Today marks the first year anniversary of my early retirement from the corporate world. After working for almost four decades of my life, I set myself free, exactly a year ago today, from the demands and stress of working for a living. It feels like a liberation, a re-birth, if you wish, and an exciting journey, even though towards the sunset of life.

After enjoying my first morning dawn, when God in his graciousness gave life to my being, I want to look at the sunset of life as the ultimate challenge to the finish line. And yet it is not really the end. For in the journey of life, the penultimate step of our earthly journey is but a "re-birth". And I believe that "re-birthing is a new opportunity; it is renewing the hopes in life; and more importantly, it is believing in oneself." Because life continues to call each one of us to a higher level of our humanity; it invites us to a new adventure, a new journey, a new challenge.

Here's a glimpse of my life in retirement. I still wake up early morning at 3 or 4, force of habit perhaps. Then I do my walking exercise around our village. My last round is to buy newspapers myself. When I reach home, I do few minutes of lifting weights to keep in shape. Then I do gardening in the front and back gardens, feed my pet birds and fish in the ponds, read the papers and listen to the early morning news, while taking my breakfast. Later in the morning I "play" with my computer to attend to my emails,or write my blog.

Afternoon is for short nap, or "malling". Sometimes I attend community meetings for social interaction. In the evening I watch the news or other tv programs that interest me.

At any time of the day, when I really want to feel relaxed, I just step out to our backyard garden, and feel the soothing view of a countryside.  It is a relaxing feeling staying in our bahay-kubo in the backyard garden, watching and listening to the sound of water cascading in the waterfalls down into the pond, where the fish enjoy their swim.  Or listening to my pet birds with their "nightingale-like" songs, watching the little "show" of my pair of sun conure as I feed them in my hands; it is a refreshing experience of mother nature in the countryside. This is the life I always wanted, and it is now in my reach. Thanks to the hard work in my younger and working years. Thanks to ADB, where I decided to complete and end my career.

Moving forward, I cherish every moment of my life's journey from here on, taking each step slow and leisurely as possible, reminiscing the happy and enriching experiences I have had, my family and friends that touch my life. I realize that journeying towards the sunset is like a walk through memory lane. And I chose to take with me only the happy memories towards the end.

Thank you for sharing with me this journey of my life. And thank you for your time to listen to my heart and thoughts... as I completed my first year of "freedom" from corporate work.

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