Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Prayer: Thank You, Lord!

Originally posted on February 18, 2009 via

Thank you, O Lord
... for all the blessings that come my way;
... for the sunny days, as well as 
    for the cloudy days;
... for the peaceful afternoons, and
    the long, dark nights.

Thank you for the health and sickness,
for both the sorrows and joys of life.

Thank you for all the things you lent me,
and then took back again.

Thank you for the friendly smiles and helping hands,
for the love I receive and all wonderful things.

Thank you for the flowers and stars,
for children and loving souls
that cross my path.

Thank you, too, for the loneliness,
for the toil of work, for difficulties and trials,
for uncertainties and tears...
because all these bring me closer to you.

I ask only, Lord,
that you grant me faith
to see you in everything that comes my way,
hope and courage to never give up
when life seems hard and difficult,
and most especially...
grant me love... more love for you each day,
and for those around me.

Give me patience, humility, yieldness,
and a giving heart.

Give me, Lord, what you know
is good for me, yet I know not
how to ask.

Grant me an abundant heart,
a listening ear, an alert mind,
and active hands,
so that I may always yield 
to your perfect will for my life.

Pour out your blessings 
over all my loved ones,
and bring peace 
to the hearts of men. 

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