Sunday, August 19, 2012

Commentary on recent tragic events of devastating typhoons.

Originally posted on October 3, 2011 via

After a series of devastating typhoons and natural calamities, the presence of our national leaders in devastated areas, in my considered opinion, could be reassuring and give some hope to the victims to build their lives anew. But where are our national leaders until now? In the comforts of their offices and palatial homes? 
The callous pronouncements repeated by government spokespersons that government agencies concerned are already responding to the needs of the victims even without the presence of the national leaders is insensitive to the human misery of the suffering victims. It's like parents telling their child who is rushed to the hospital for emergency that there is no need for them to come personally because the doctors and hospital staff will do their job. OMG, that is unthinkable and un-Filipino!

It seems the draw back of the campaign slogan of "straight path" is that the highway has no "emergency shoulder" to stop by and pause awhile from whatever national preoccupation to attend personally to unexpected emergency.

From televisions and newspapers reports, it is the local government offices, Church organizations, mass media, private foundations and other NGOs which are in the scene in the aftermath of these tragedies to try to help out and give meaning to our " bayanihan" spirit for our countrymen needing help and comfort. Mabuhay kayong lahat!

It is like a double whammy for the country: the sufferings of the victims and the uncaring national leaders. Shame on them!

Deo Optimo Maximo

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