Sunday, August 19, 2012

Social Commentary

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 1:00pm

Social Commentary: Enrollment in public schools has increased significantly because many are transferring their children from private schools. The primary reason is the high cost of tuition fees in private school. That is why the government should prepare for this scenario because it is going to be the trend in the future.

Good governance should prioritize budget for education. An educated citizenry is the key to the nation's progress. Because a well-informed and educated individual becomes a responsible citizen as well.

Unfortunately, this government seems to have its priorities in the wrong direction, like the RH bill and divorce bill. If the budget for these proposed controversial bills are instead given to education, it would have a more positive contribution to the nation's growth. But people in government seems to be just echoing what the majority want through endless and useless surveys. Eventually we will have a government run by majority acclamation rather than well-thought of vision and goal as a nation.

It is a sad commentary for a nation struggling with progress but wasting so much efforts and resources on endless grandstanding and bickering.
Lord, save us from ourselves.

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