Sunday, August 19, 2012

My Life's Milestones

Originally posted on May 3, 2011 via

    Posted: 9 May 2011       

                 An Important Step in the Journey,
                          A Milestone in Life

It's not just the passing of years, but those moments that make life wonderful and memorable!
About three years ago I was at the crossroad of my life, torn between my passion for work and love for life. I chose the latter...  with no regrets.

I enjoy my freedom from the corporate world. It is like a second chance at life, perhaps not unlike a new bird just learning to fly, enjoying every moment of being alive and well. I savor every phase in a slower tempo towards the remaining years of my life's journey, as the good Lord allows.

TODAY I mark an important event in my life. Because on this day the Lord in his boundless love and generosity grants me my "dual citizenship". That is to say, a Filipino and Senior Citizen to boot. A milestone of life indeed.

Coming as it does during the Easter Season, when we share a new life with the Risen Christ, reaching a milestone of dual citizenship is like a "re-birth" of both body and spirit, albeit my moving closer to life's sunset.

So why a "re-birth" at this stage of my life?  The following reflections inspired by a beautiful poem written by an unknown author may enlighten:

    I have lost the fountain of youth..., but forever cherish both the pleasant and
    not-so-pleasant experiences which made me feel God's unconditional love;

    I have lost the frills and privileges of the corporate world..., but now have the
    opportunity of growing and living free;

    I have lost a lot of people whom I loved, and still love so dearly, my parents and all
    my siblings, my dear friends as well..., but had the wonderful experience of their affection
    and love, and now sweet memories of time together to soothe away my moments of
    loneliness, sometimes;

    I lost precious moments to enjoy life because I was too serious and preoccupied with
    many things..., but now I realize life is moving forward without getting burdened
    with the past that cannot be undone;

    I lost many things many times in my life..., but in that "loss" I realize it is better
    to appreciate my blessings, and never to stop dreaming because there is still time
    to start all over again.
On this special day, as I pause momentarily from my journey to celebrate the momentous event of my life's milestone, I realize a wealth of wisdom unfolds from my footprints in time....

    I had my fair share of trials and sufferings, but that was also a time of learning
    and growing.

    There were times I felt spiteful, but I chose to be forgiving instead.

    I felt alone and helpless many times, but then realized that it was because
    I closed my door to those who care for me.

    And when everything seemed lost and gone, it was really a challenge to improve
    and learn the virtue of patience and endurance.
This for me is the essence of "re-birth". It is not important to feel sorry and frustrated of things that are past. More important is to believe that it is always possible and necessary to re-start. Because a "re-birth" is a new opportunity at life, to hope and dream again, to keep believing in myself.. in ourselves.
Moving forward, I do cherish this gift of life, hoping that I enrich humanity with my life's accomplishment, no matter how small and insignificant perhaps, but also my failures as well that others can learn from. So that when I finally complete the journey in this world, my legacy are the heartprints of love and caring that I will be leaving in the hearts of those I touch with my own life while on earth.... so I hope.

Thank you for being a part in this journey of my life. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you too for your time to listen to my thoughts on this, my special day.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of life, most specially the blessings of my loved ones and dear friends to share this life with me. And I pray that they continue to journey with me, Loving Father,... till the sunset of my life.

Cheers to Life!

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