Monday, August 27, 2012

Jesse Robredo: a man for all times!

A good man never dies; he lives forever in the memory of our hearts!

Today, the 28th of August 2012, is the last day that we hold on to whatever remains of his mortal body before he finally goes home to the Father.

Here was a man who lived his life to the full, a loving and caring family man, serving his hometown and later the nation with great vision and commitment yet always with humility and respect for all. He was a loving husband and caring father to his children, a humble public servant to his constituents, a good friend to those whose lives he touched in his long years of public service. And in all these he remained focused to the very Source of his being and goodness, our Lord and God. Because his family testified that he was a Godly man. And that seemed to be the secret of his greatness.

I had no personal encounter with Jesse, even when we both are from the Bicol Region. And there was no need for that.  Because a man who touched the hearts of people who needed him most, also lives in the hearts of all people of good will.

Now our Jesse has done with his earthly journey ahead of us. We need to let him go. Because we know he is home with the Father. Even so, our heart bleeds with tears when we realize that he is gone forever from our midst. Jesse was a great and honorable man, in life and in death. The overflowing of love and sympathies as you complete your life's journey, though completely unexpected, are testimonies of your greatness.

Goodbye our dear Jesse, our model of public servant and one who literally tried to walk the "matuwid na daan" of good governance in both his private life and public life. Go home with our Creator. Make heaven lively with your presence there. So that in the joys of the angels and the saints, you may continue to be our faithful and humble servant and intercessor to the Lord for all of us still left behind in this world. Our dear Jesse, Diyos mabalos po!

And so, Lord, thank You for the gift of Jesse. Receive him in your kingdom as we commend his spirit to Your mercy. Grant strength to his family and relatives to accept his untimely demise with surrender, as they do. And finally, please confirm Jesse's appointment as "Citizen of Heaven" for all eternity.

Because in all these, O Lord, Your will be always done!

Deo Optimo Maximo!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Tribute To The Comedy King!

Originally posted on July 14, 2012 via

I remember a happy childhood with Dolphy as the king of comedy in local movies. My late mother would always take me with her watching all his funny movies to entertain ourselves from the task of daily living.

And as I grew up with a family of my own, I followed Dolphy in local television sitcoms. It was a way of relaxing at home with the family after a tiring work in office.

Then, for some time I stopped watching local movies. Even so, I would take exception when a Dolphy movie was shown. I would go to watch and enjoyed the laughter. I love his jokes, both the spoken and the funny facial expressions. He made me laugh just watching his funny antics even without the words. To me he was like the local version of Mr. Bean. Because Dolphy was my idol in celebrating the fullness of life, simply by not taking ourselves so seriously all the time.

Now our comedy king laughed his last. We need to let him go. Yet even in his last moments with us, he continues to entertain us with both laughter and tears. Because when we view his mortal remains, don't our lips still manage a smile when we remember his unique sense of humor? Even so, our heart bleeds with tears when we realize he is forever gone from our midst. Dolphy was really the greatest entertainer, both in life and now even in his death.

Goodbye my idol, our comedy king. Go and be home with our Creator. Make heaven a happier one with your presence there. So that in the joys of the angels and saints, you may be our intercessor to the Lord for all of us still left behind.

Our dear Dolphy, thank you for the laughter that made light our journey of life on earth. May you be happy now in the company of angels and saints in heaven.

And so Lord, thank You for the gift of Dolphy. Receive him in your kingdom and be kind to whatever sins he might have committed by the weakness of his flesh. We commend his spirit to You as we pray for his soul. Grant strength to his family, too, to accept his demise with surrender. Confer on Dolphy the ultimate award of "Citizen of Heaven", which is much more than whatever worldly award we can give him on earth.

Because in all things, O Lord, You will be always done.

Deo Optimo Maximo!

A Prayer for Class Reunion

Originally posted on June 29, 2012 via

A Prayer for Class Reunion:

Lord, You are the God of life that sustains every moment of our being.

Today, we thank You for this opportunity of class reunion,
after we said our temporary goodbyes to our dear Alma Mater.

Thank You for all of us present today, for our friendships new and old,
and for all the good memories we share.

Thank You for the meal we will partake later,
the fruit of human hands from the bounty of your blessing.

Bless us all and our families,
including those who could not attend this reunion,
for various reasons.

We pray most especially for our classmates,
who have completed their life's journey
ahead of us. Grant them eternal rest, O Lord.

Make this special day full of fun and excitement,
celebrating life as we walk through memory lane of our youth.

And after our great time together, grant us a safe trip back home,
even as we pray and hope to be enjoying each others company again
at our next class reunion.

For all these we ask your blessing,
our loving Father, through Jesus your Son,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The New English Translation of the Roman Missal

Originally posted on June 9, 2012 via

First of series: 10 June 2012 *  
(This short series is meant to help laypeople know and understand the changes in the English Translation of the Roman Missal)

The Liturgy of the Mass:

The Catholic Church desires all its faithful attending Holy Mass to be active participants and not just silent spectators.
"The Second Vatican Council... exhorts the faithful to take part in the celebration of the Holy Mass consciously and actively as befits every baptized person. Thus, "the faithful should have a good understanding of the rites and prayers" in the Mass.

"Worship, particularly the liturgy, is a sacred form of communication with God. God speaks to us and we respond in adoration, petition, and awe. Communication happens through rites and prayers, each of which expresses in various ways the word of God and the prayer of the Church.

The New English Translation of the Roman Missal:
The Bishops of the Philippines, which is the highest body collectively representing the Catholic Church in the Philippines, voted in January 2011 to adopt the New English Translation of the Roman Missal in toto, which will be fully implemented throughout the country by December 2012 during the Advent Season. Before that, there is a gradual implementation of the new English Translation.

However, before the eventual use of the new liturgical text, it is necessary to explain and provide catechesis on the implication of the changes introduced to the Order of the Mass. It is important to note that these changes do not differ in doctrinal content compared to the present version.
Greeting in the Mass:

In the Diocese of Parañaque (to which I belong) the gradual introduction of these changes starts this June 2012 in the Greeting in the Mass.

As the Priest-celebrant greets with "The Lord be with you," in the beginning of the Mass the response of the faithful is as follows:

Latin:                        Et cum spiritu tuo.
Present version:        And also with you.
New version:             And with your spirit.       

Other parts of the Mass where this greeting is used:
1.    Liturgy of the Word
2.    Introduction of Eucharistic Prayer (Preface)
3.    Kiss of Peace
4.    Before the Final Blessing

Analyis of the changes:
The new version is a more literal translation from Latin. "The answer in both the Greek and Latin liturgies is "And with your spirit."  

"Ancient Greek philosophy recognized three ascending levels in humans: the body, the soul, and the spirit. The spirit represents what is best and noblest in a person.

"In such a case, it is a courteous way of returning the greeting "The Lord be with you". We graciously address people by referring to their rank, status, or dignity. Thus, we commonly use the honorific title such as "Your Honor", "Your Reverence", and "Your Excellency".

"When the people reply "And with your spirit", they return the greeting and express the prayerful wish that the priest will also be filled with the presence of the risen Lord, and that his ministry may receive the power and blessing of the Holy Spirit."
* Source: The New English Translation of the Roman Missal: A Catechetical Primer, by Fr. Anscar J. Chupungco, OSB

Reflection on Ash Wednesday

Originally posted on February 21, 2012 via

Moment with God: For Catholics.... (Posted 21 February 2012)

We celebrate Ash Wednesday on February 22, 2012. It marks the beginning of the Lenten Season, which is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting. Lent prepares us for Easter Sunday when Christ conquers sin and death.

On Ash Wednesday, we receive ashes on our forehead during Mass. Ashes are a symbol of penance made sacramental by the blessing of the Church. R...eceiving the ashes helps us to develop a spirit of humility and sacrifice.

The ashes are made from the blessed palms during Palm Sunday celebration of the previous year. The ashes are blessed and scented by exposure to incense.

While the ashes symbolize penance and contrition, they are also a reminder that God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him with repentant hearts. God's Divine mercy is of utmost importance during the Lenten Season, and the Church calls on us to seek his mercy during this season with reflection, prayer and penance, and going to confession.

The Church reminds Catholics that Ash Wednesday is a day of universal fast and abstinence. Fasting is required from ages 18 to 60 years, and abstinence from age 14.

Deo Optimo Maximo

(Source:Catholic Online and Ordo 2012)

November 1: Solemnity of All Saints

Originally posted on October 31, 2011 via

Pope Gregory IV established this commemoration in 835 to honor all the saints, known and unknown, of the Roman Catholic Church, particularly those who have no special feast day of their own.

We thank the Lord for all the saints, who by their very lives have witnessed God's love and his Kingdom here on earth. Their life example is our and inspiration as we go through our own journey on earth in our time.

You all the saints of God, please pray for us.

Deo Optimo Maximo

Commentary on recent tragic events of devastating typhoons.

Originally posted on October 3, 2011 via

After a series of devastating typhoons and natural calamities, the presence of our national leaders in devastated areas, in my considered opinion, could be reassuring and give some hope to the victims to build their lives anew. But where are our national leaders until now? In the comforts of their offices and palatial homes? 
The callous pronouncements repeated by government spokespersons that government agencies concerned are already responding to the needs of the victims even without the presence of the national leaders is insensitive to the human misery of the suffering victims. It's like parents telling their child who is rushed to the hospital for emergency that there is no need for them to come personally because the doctors and hospital staff will do their job. OMG, that is unthinkable and un-Filipino!

It seems the draw back of the campaign slogan of "straight path" is that the highway has no "emergency shoulder" to stop by and pause awhile from whatever national preoccupation to attend personally to unexpected emergency.

From televisions and newspapers reports, it is the local government offices, Church organizations, mass media, private foundations and other NGOs which are in the scene in the aftermath of these tragedies to try to help out and give meaning to our " bayanihan" spirit for our countrymen needing help and comfort. Mabuhay kayong lahat!

It is like a double whammy for the country: the sufferings of the victims and the uncaring national leaders. Shame on them!

Deo Optimo Maximo

Woman Full of God's Grace!

Originally posted on September 7, 2011 via

In the Annunciation, the angel Gabriel greeted the young Mary, thus :Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you!"

Indeed, Mary is full of God's grace from the very beginning, since she is the only human without the stain of our parents' original sin. Because Mary was chosen by God to be the Mother of his only begotten Son. Thus, from her human womb God the Son became one like us in all things but sins.

September 8 is traditionally celebrated by the Catholic Church as the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although it is no longer a day of obligation, Catholics are encouraged to go to Mass to greet Jesus' Mother and our Mother too, a Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!

The prayers and readings in the Mass for this special day "point to the birth of Jesus, which is the 'dawn of our Salvation'. The liturgy wants us to view the birth of Mary in relation to the birth of her Son." For it was Mary's "fiat" (translated, "let it be") that made possible our salvation from ourselves and from our sins.

Today, on your birthday, we greet you with the prayer of Hail Holy Queen, in Latin version:

Salve, Regina, Mater  misericordiae,
Vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra, salve
ad te clamamus, exsules filii Evae,
Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes
in hac lacrimarum valle.
Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, illos tuos
misericordes oculos ad nos converte;
et lesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui,
nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.
O Clemens; O Pia, O Dulcis Virgo Maria!

Mama Mary, please pray for us and our country!

Deo Optimo Maximo

A Gift of Life

Originally posted on September 5, 2011 via

Today, September 5, 2011, is an important milestone in my journey. Because it was on this day three years ago that I opted to leave the corporate world to enjoy life leisurely.

Life is a gift, we all say that. But often we take life for granted as we keep ourselves occupied with numerous mundane concerns. Often we have no choice, because living has become an expensive endeavor in a materialistic society, if we want to enjoy the comforts of living. So that we need to work and work hard to live comfortably for ourselves and for our dear ones. The irony is that we become so pressured to work that we forget to enjoy living.

Ah yes, "enjoy living", that seems to be a better term to use for "retirement". Because a retiree bids goodbye only to the demands and stress of working for a living, but in reality retirees have a choice to continue to be active and useful citizens. Because retirement is a second chance at life, a re-birth if you wish, celebrating life to the full albeit toward its sunset.

So today I like to say "thank you" to my family and friends for sharing in my life's journey in this world. Thank you, too, for the beautiful memories that we have created and cherish together. And thank you for the moments to listen to my thoughts on this important anniversary of my life's footprints in time.

Dear Lord, thank You so much for your generous love for the gift of life, and the patience to grant me this re-birth in my journey toward life's sunset.

Deo Optimo Maximo

Social and religious commentary on the RH bill

Originally posted on August 18, 2011 via

It looks like that the RH bill will become a law after all. With both the lower house and the senate sponsoring this bill, and the executive branch of government making it a priority, it is just a matter of time before it will become a law. 

As a Catholic, I feel sad and ashamed of this unfolding event. But it is not a loss for the Church. because the passage of this bill may become a purification for the pilgrim Church on earth. That is to say, only those who listen to the teaching of the Church, which reflects the will of God, on the sanctity of life are worthy to stay with this Church established directly by Jesus and entrusted to the care of Saint Peter the apostle, who was our first Pope. Thus, the pilgrim Church will be undergoing a purification of its self while in journey on earth. So that at harvest time, the angels won't have a hard time separating the weeds from the wheat, because by our actions we shall be judged. Believe me that the Church will never lose, because it is the People of God on earth.

Yet following the example of compassion and forgiveness by our Lord Jesus himself as he was dying on the cross, let us pray for our brethren pushing for the RH bill. Because they are just victims of the evil one who continues to deceive unsuspecting souls with rewards of worldly pleasures.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us all. Blessed Mother, please intercede for our people and our country.

Deo Optimo Maximo

Prayer of Reparation for the sacrilege and blasphemy at CCP

Originally posted on August 16, 2011 via

(The "Prayer of Reparation" has to be prayed kneeling:)

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God,
out of love for us, your sinful creatures,
you became man and sacrificed your life on the cross.

You deserve nothing but gratitude, honor, and praise,
yet there are people, who by a misguided use of freedom,
ridicule your Divine Person and the person of your Mother
by desecrating your sacred images and call their work “art."

We are profoundly shocked and ashamed, Lord Jesus,
and so we kneel before your Divine Majesty
to beg the pardon of your merciful and forgiving heart
for the mindless blasphemy committed against you.

We are filled with indignation against the perpetrators,
but you have taught us to forgive as you have forgiven us.

Whether they know or know not what they were doing,
we pray for them:
Lord Jesus, grant them the grace of true repentance
and open their minds to what is noble and beautiful,
to what is edifying and respectful of other people’s beliefs.

We also pray for ourselves:
Lord Jesus, grant us the grace to live like real Christians,
so that we may become your unblemished images
and living witnesses to your love and forgiveness.

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. 

The Straight Path to CCP?

Originally posted on August 9, 2011 via

The Straight Path to CCP?

Finally, the CCP Board "temporarily shut down" the gallery that houses "satanic works" masquerading as "art" in the CCP complex. Yet, it seems CCP never regretted allowing public display of this blasphemous and sacrilegious exhibit, and even dared to declare that CCP will "continue to act as catalyst for free expression of Filipino artists". And the Palace washed its hands of this controversy with inaction and insensitivity to Christian feelings with simple declaration that CCP is an independent body. OMG, do they really mean that?

So now I challenge the CCP board, the masquerading artists and the Palace to do the same disrespectful public exhibits of our national icons and heroes in the name of art. And if Christians and Catholics are not the sole target of this public ridicule and disrespect as they claim, they should commission similar "freedom of art work" directed to other non-Christian religions as well, particularly those who are more committed to defending their faith. Will the CCP dismiss the same desecration of our national heroes and other religions as "free expression of Filipino artists"? Do these so-called "Filipino artists" have absolute "freedom" at the expense of faith and beliefs of other lesser mortals like us?

For fairness and equality, the CCP board, the masquerading artists, and the Palace should take my challenge. When they do, then I will go down to my knees in prayer to reflect once more on the Parable of the Weeds. For indeed the Lord allows the weeds and the wheat to grow together while on earth. Because by uprooting the weeds early on, the wheat may be uprooted as well. But on judgment day, angels will separate the weeds from the wheat, tie them in bundles for burning. And the wheat are gathered and saved in the Lord's barnyard.

Even so, I pray that the Lord be merciful to those who chose to live by the greed of the world rather than the will of the Lord. Lord, forgive us all for our sinfulness.

Political Commentary

Originally posted on July 19, 2011 via

The true State of the Nation Address (SONA) is not in the speech of the President on Monday (July 25), but written in the faces of Filipinos as they go through their daily lives. So rather than delivering a speech, it is best for the President to listen to the collective soul of the nation... minus the "editing" of his closest advisers.

Moment of Grace, moment of prayer.

Originally posted on July 13, 2011 via

Today, 13 July 2011, I witnessed the senate hearing on the PCSO's vehicle donations to the Catholic Church. The senate hearing was meant primarily to hear the side of the bishops on these controversies.

 As explained by Senator Santiago, who was the first given the floor to speak on the constitutional issues since she is a constitution expert, there seemed to be no constitutional prohibitions in these vehicle donations since these were used for public service and not for exclusive religious purpose. And Senator Enrile added that even if there were, the fault is on the government agencies concerned, and not on the recipients of these donations.

 This PCSO incident appeared to have singled out the helpless bishops on purpose even before their sides were heard. Shade of politics perhaps? Not surprising, because of the Church's strong stand against the RH and divorce bills.

 As the truth unfolds, the bishops did not receive pajeros luxury vehicles but used service vehicles intended for medical and social work of their respective dioceses, which are  among the poorest parts of our country. But why put the bishops and the Catholic Church in bad light with these malicious and false news reporting? These unfavorable news reports have been used by groups critical on the Church' stand on various moral and religious issues to unfairly accused the Catholic Church and chastise the bishops. This morning, when the bishops were entering the Senate building, a small group of protesters even sang "happy birthday" to a bishop who wrote to request a vehicle as birthday gift, an obvious disrespect for a man of God. (it turned out that the vehicle received is not at all a pajero but used service vehicle for the diocese social and medical work.) I saw among the protesters those who are supporters of the RH bill wearing their "Damaso" T-shirts. They obviously want to capitalize this incident to mislead people to their side.

 At the end of the hearing, when it was established that no luxury vehicles were received, the bishops are returning the controversial donations. Four of these which are from Luzon are already parked in the senate premises. The remaining vehicles which are in Mindanao will be returned to designated PCSO officials in their localities. The bishops are right to insist on returning these vehicles to PCSO, even if the senate now wanted them to keep for their social action work. They were the source of shame, albeit unfairly, so better to get rid of them completely. The Church is also better off without political attachments from this government.

 For all these unfair incident and untruthful accusations, my heart bleeds for the bishops and my Church, and I literally cried as I witnessed the bishops and my Church ridiculed and assailed by untruths. I saw Jesus tracing his steps back to Calvary. After weeks of biased reporting the damage has been done and the bishops and the Catholic Church had been put to shame and ill-refute. Whatever happened to media's credo of fair and balanced reporting? I believe Satan is very much in the world today to sow disunity and hatred. But I have no doubt that the Catholic Church will withstand the storm because it is founded on solid rock by Jesus himself.

Hopefully the event has subsided. I pray for our bishops and the Church for the grace of forgiveness to those who unjustly cast insults and ridicule the leaders of my Church. Lord, forgive them for they seem not to know what they are doing.

 As we move on from here, we pray for healing of our people and our country, for unity and charity, regardless of political affiliations and religious beliefs. May we all be charitable towards each other, acknowledging and forgiving our own shortcomings.

 Lord, be merciful to us because we are all sinners before You. Mama Mary, pray for us and protect the bishops, priests and the Church from the evil one. Amen.

Relationship of State and Church

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Friday, June 17, 2011 at 9:41pm

On second thought: It is not right to separate the State and the Church, since both deal with the welfare of man. But the Church has a greater stake because it deals not only with the "physical" man, but his body and soul. Perhaps the better relationship between State and the Church is that of critical collaboration. But the Church may prevail on matters of morality because it concerns the "infinite" aspect of man, which is his soul.

Social Commentary

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Monday, June 6, 2011 at 1:00pm

Social Commentary: Enrollment in public schools has increased significantly because many are transferring their children from private schools. The primary reason is the high cost of tuition fees in private school. That is why the government should prepare for this scenario because it is going to be the trend in the future.

Good governance should prioritize budget for education. An educated citizenry is the key to the nation's progress. Because a well-informed and educated individual becomes a responsible citizen as well.

Unfortunately, this government seems to have its priorities in the wrong direction, like the RH bill and divorce bill. If the budget for these proposed controversial bills are instead given to education, it would have a more positive contribution to the nation's growth. But people in government seems to be just echoing what the majority want through endless and useless surveys. Eventually we will have a government run by majority acclamation rather than well-thought of vision and goal as a nation.

It is a sad commentary for a nation struggling with progress but wasting so much efforts and resources on endless grandstanding and bickering.
Lord, save us from ourselves.

A Testimony of God's Love

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Wednesday, May 25, 2011 at 8:39pm

Moment with God: I was driving home this afternoon from the mall under heavy rain, trying to reach home before 4pm for our flores de mayo. But the heavy rains continued while already home. I was worried that we had to cancel the flores for this day due to the weather, and I knew the children in our village would be disappointed. They have been looking forward to the flower offering, the recitation of the Rosary, and of course the snacks every afternoon. Specially that there are only few more days left in May for the flores, I was thinking the children would be sad if we didn't have one this afternoon. Silently we just wished that Mama Mary would take care of the weather for the children.

Few minutes before 4pm the rains suddenly stopped. So Yen and I rushed to the Chapel for the flores de mayo. As I started to sound the electronic bells, the children started to show up one by one with joy in their faces. Their smiles always make our day. Although there were fewer children than usual but they were happy we had flores this afternoon.

Coincidence perhaps? It doesn't matter. A man of faith believes that things happen for a reason.  And the joy in the faces of these children is more than a reason. Thank You, Lord, and thank you, Mama Mary, for the little miracle. Amen.

Religious Commentary

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Sunday, May 22, 2011 at 8:17am

A Catholic bishop was quoted today in the news (Inquirer, 22 May 2011) that you cannot be a real Catholic by being selective of what to follow and obey from among the teachings of the Church. So beware of an organization who calls themselves "Catholics" but openly supports the RH bill. A true Catholic is one who listens and follows all the teachings of the Church without conditions. Because Jesus Christ, the founder of this Church, loves us unconditionally in the first place... giving up his life to redeem us from sins.

Today's gospel challenges all Catholics: which way will you follow, Christ's Way through his clear successors the Pope and the bishops, or some other ways  that other want to create for themselves in the name of mundane pleasures? In today's gospel Jesus unequivocally tells Thomas: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Political Commentary

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 9:19am

Do you remember P-Noy's campaign slogan? It was:"Kung walang corrupt walang mahirap". But now he is blaming poverty on "over population" daw. Or maybe he is looking for an excuse to support the RH/RP bill.  I understand that Philippine population is in fact declining in recent years, according to government statistics.
Anyway, ano ba talaga Mr. President, "sa matuwid na daan" o "sa daang walang patutunguhan"? God, save my country Philippines from our so-called leaders!

Commentary on Political Observation

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 2:54pm

The Aquino Administration just marked their first year anniversary in office. But listening lately to their spokespersons is a big disappointment. Because they begin to sound arrogant, in speech and facial expression, in dealing with critics of their governance, and those who happen to disagree with their official pronouncement.
Perhaps, they should be gently reminded that their Boss is the President of all Filipinos, even those with differing views. At least they should be more respectful and tolerant of those who do not agree with their official pronouncements or manner of governance. After all, was it not their Boss who once said that the Filipino people are the real boss in this country? Or was that simply a political statement?

My Greatest Gift of a Lifetime

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 9:55am

Sharing my daughter's message on my birthday:
"He didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it." That's my Dad! He's the perfect example for me and my brothers on how life should be lived. Thanks Dad for the love, the support, the patience and the understanding. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Enjoy your day and your "dual" citizenship. I love you!...

and these are the GREATEST GIFT I ever received in my lifetime, my children in whom I will live forever. Thank you, Dear Children, for letting me a father to you all.

A Day to Cherish Forever

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Monday, May 9, 2011 at 10:52pm

Happiness is a choice. And TODAY I chose to be happy, celebrating a milestone of my life at 60 years.

Thank you to my family for making this a great and memorable day.

Thank you to all my friends for their warm greetings that make this an inspiring and a very special day indeed.

Thank you, Mama and Papa, and all my siblings, for our growing together that molded me what I am today. Hope to see you all again when I finally complete my journey in this world.

Thank you, Mama Mary, for your protection and care for my family.

And Dear Lord, thank You for this life that You allow me, my family that makes it sweet, and my friends that make it enjoyable. Bless all of us, Lord, and protect us and our families from all dangers and calamities. We ask You this in Jesus' name with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Commentary on Religious Issues

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Tuesday, April 26, 2011 at 7:50pm

I stand solidly for my Church on all issues involving faith and morality.

The Church has made its stand against the RP bill, and like a faithful soldier I support unconditionally my Church on the issue, even against all odds and criticisms. The issues are clear: respect for all forms of life including the rights of the unborn, and protection of the family.

We cannot blame "poverty" on so called big population when all around us there are graft and corruptions, shameful malversation of public funds for personal use, huge expenditures of rich nations on weapons of destructions, the concentration of money and power on the few privileged families and groups, exploitation of the poor and the needy, etc. When we, as the whole human race, are able to stop all these ills of society and the world, there are enough resources to feed all the hungry and provide medical care to those who need them.

The real issue on the RP bill is really sex without accountability. Because reproductive health of parents cannot be a concern when we follow the natural law on reproduction.

Discussions on RP bill become divisive for us as a nation. I just heard a spokesperson of the government justifying that it is a part of democracy. But OMG, there are so many more important priorities that this government should attend to other than wasting time disagreeing on something that is really already provided for by natural law. For example the rising cost of fuel, the resulting rise in costs of basic commodities, the plight of OFWs, uncontrolled corruptions in govenrment, low wages of workers, etc.

In God's plan, this could be a cleansing process for the Church as well. We pride ourselves as the only Catholic nation in Asia. But we have more in numbers rather than in practice. So that only those committed and faithful to the teaching authority of the Church on faith and morality may remain.

This to me is the relevance of Christ's resurrection in our time: the Church collectively rising with our Lord Jesus Christ from the death of sensual pleasures and purely material concerns towards a higher dignity of life as children of God and citizens of the Kingdom waiting for those who keep faith and believe in the teachings of Christ, through His successors, the Pope and the bishops.

Commentary for my former ADB Colleagues.

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Tuesday, April 12, 2011 at 1:45pm

We work for a company or institution primarily to earn a living. But as we stay longer in a particular institution, work also becomes our way of life. When we consider and reflect more deeply, we realize that the work we do, the relationship established, and the friendships we make, including the "ups" and "downs" in the corporate world, taken in whole provide valuable lessons in life. Thus, in this sense our working environment serves as practical "school of life" for most of us. For this reason perhaps, we can also be "alumni" of such company or institution when we leave service, rather than be labeled with the traditional term of "retirees".

To my former colleagues in the corporate world of ADB, I realized that when we left this institution after working for so long (i.e., more than half of our lives for most of us), we only retired from work but most of us continue to be active in life outside ADB. But calling ourselves with the traditional term of "retirees" seems to suggest we are aged and unproductive. Recent pictures that I see posted in fb show that most of us in fact seem to be getting "younger" looking after leaving ADB. Then, instead of calling ourselves the usual "retirees" why don't we become more creative and use the better word - "ADB Alumni".

What do you think?

Commentary on Philippine Media

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Thursday, April 7, 2011 at 8:02pm

Commentary: Why does media sensationalize the wake of one of our countrymen executed in China for drug trafficking? While we mourn with their relatives, the media's "over coverage" of their tragedy is a disrespect for the privacy of their relatives, even when the latter seem to tolerate the unusual media exposure. Their death cannot be treated as something "heroic". Media needs to realize there are more worthy events to cover than "feast" on this national tragedy.

Commentary on Imelda Marcos' Comments

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Wednesday, March 9, 2011 at 5:05am

Commentary: In the news today, Imelda Marcos is quoted as saying "We have no human rights violations. We have no case.... there were more recorded cases of human rights violations during Cory Aquino's time as President compared to Ferdinand Marcos' more than 20-year term..." Ha ha ha... another Marcos still living in their dream world or just simply trying to rewrite their version of history, thinking the Filipino people are always dumb. Well, they cannot undo the past with all their hidden wealth. Neither can they escape divine justice on their judgment day in the next life. Pray for them that the learn to convert during the Lenten Season, hopefully starting today, Ash Wednesday.

Political Commentary on the late dictator's burial.

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via

by Nick Isip on Tuesday, March 1, 2011 at 10:34am

Commentary: First, it was the son of the late dictator who claimed his father could have made our country another Singapore if People Power 1 did not happen. Now the widow claims there was no right abuses during the Martial Law regime. OMG, the heirs of the late dictator are blind to the truth, which is worst than physical blindness. Because there is no forgiveness without first acceptance of sinfulness. As Christians, let us pray for healing their blindness while on earth. Because in the next life there is no more healing under divine justice without repentance of sins committed in this world.

Christ always wins!

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Sunday, February 27, 2011 at 8:14pm

Commentary: It's sad to see pro-RH bill protesting against the bishops for their pro-life stand. The bishops are standing up for the right to life which is God's gift to everyone. The pro-RH bill cannot dictate on who they want to live and not live because they are not the author of life. Whether one has religion or not, believes in God or not, in the end we all face judgment day to account for our lives while on earth. And believe that Christ always wins!

Commentary on the 25th Celebration of People Power

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Tuesday, February 22, 2011 at 9:05am

On second thought: On the 25th anniversary of our People Power, we salute all Filipinos and the rest of the world who supported us for the success of our peaceful revolution. Yet our "revolution" continues, this time within ourselves as individuals, for a change of heart and a united national aspiration, so that we as a people may achieve real freedom and liberation from poverty and injustice, only when we do our part collectively in nation building as one united people. For we cannot bring about national progress and change, unless we too are willing to change ourselves for the better.

Commentary on Religious Issue

Originally posted on June 28, 2011 via
by Nick Isip on Saturday, February 19, 2011 at 8:52am

Commentary: Some Catholics who are pro RH Bill are criticizing the bishops on their stand to defend human life. Some of them even claim that the bishops are "ignorant" and that they don't have the "experience" to speak on the issue of reproductive health. OMG, if the first Apostles were alive today, they surely would have a hard time preaching the gospels on the so-called "learned" believers, because most likely the Apostles would be criticized for being just fishermen and thus "un-schoolled". But God chooses the ignorant to humble the wise.

My Life's Milestones

Originally posted on May 3, 2011 via

    Posted: 9 May 2011       

                 An Important Step in the Journey,
                          A Milestone in Life

It's not just the passing of years, but those moments that make life wonderful and memorable!
About three years ago I was at the crossroad of my life, torn between my passion for work and love for life. I chose the latter...  with no regrets.

I enjoy my freedom from the corporate world. It is like a second chance at life, perhaps not unlike a new bird just learning to fly, enjoying every moment of being alive and well. I savor every phase in a slower tempo towards the remaining years of my life's journey, as the good Lord allows.

TODAY I mark an important event in my life. Because on this day the Lord in his boundless love and generosity grants me my "dual citizenship". That is to say, a Filipino and Senior Citizen to boot. A milestone of life indeed.

Coming as it does during the Easter Season, when we share a new life with the Risen Christ, reaching a milestone of dual citizenship is like a "re-birth" of both body and spirit, albeit my moving closer to life's sunset.

So why a "re-birth" at this stage of my life?  The following reflections inspired by a beautiful poem written by an unknown author may enlighten:

    I have lost the fountain of youth..., but forever cherish both the pleasant and
    not-so-pleasant experiences which made me feel God's unconditional love;

    I have lost the frills and privileges of the corporate world..., but now have the
    opportunity of growing and living free;

    I have lost a lot of people whom I loved, and still love so dearly, my parents and all
    my siblings, my dear friends as well..., but had the wonderful experience of their affection
    and love, and now sweet memories of time together to soothe away my moments of
    loneliness, sometimes;

    I lost precious moments to enjoy life because I was too serious and preoccupied with
    many things..., but now I realize life is moving forward without getting burdened
    with the past that cannot be undone;

    I lost many things many times in my life..., but in that "loss" I realize it is better
    to appreciate my blessings, and never to stop dreaming because there is still time
    to start all over again.
On this special day, as I pause momentarily from my journey to celebrate the momentous event of my life's milestone, I realize a wealth of wisdom unfolds from my footprints in time....

    I had my fair share of trials and sufferings, but that was also a time of learning
    and growing.

    There were times I felt spiteful, but I chose to be forgiving instead.

    I felt alone and helpless many times, but then realized that it was because
    I closed my door to those who care for me.

    And when everything seemed lost and gone, it was really a challenge to improve
    and learn the virtue of patience and endurance.
This for me is the essence of "re-birth". It is not important to feel sorry and frustrated of things that are past. More important is to believe that it is always possible and necessary to re-start. Because a "re-birth" is a new opportunity at life, to hope and dream again, to keep believing in myself.. in ourselves.
Moving forward, I do cherish this gift of life, hoping that I enrich humanity with my life's accomplishment, no matter how small and insignificant perhaps, but also my failures as well that others can learn from. So that when I finally complete the journey in this world, my legacy are the heartprints of love and caring that I will be leaving in the hearts of those I touch with my own life while on earth.... so I hope.

Thank you for being a part in this journey of my life. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you too for your time to listen to my thoughts on this, my special day.

Dear Lord, thank You for the gift of life, most specially the blessings of my loved ones and dear friends to share this life with me. And I pray that they continue to journey with me, Loving Father,... till the sunset of my life.

Cheers to Life!