Friday, November 6, 2020

 Reflection after the typhoon:

Humans are no match to nature's fury. Although harmony of Creation was God's original plan, our abuse of our stewardship of creation has brought about disasters and tragedy to the world, and even to our own kind.

"The environment is made to suffer our wrongdoing, and now we reap the harvest of our abuse and indifference. Global warming is upon us. Typhoons, heavy rains, floods, drought, volcanic eruption, earthquakes, and other natural calamities occur in increasing number and intensity."

The aftermath of Typhoon Rolly in Bicol is a recent incident. The scenes of severe destruction seen in the news and other mass media are pitiful and melt our hearts with compassion for the misery of typhoon victims already suffering the deprivation of poverty even under normal times. Why are these happening, we ask?

For now, typhoon victims need help, and soon. For those who have resources, let them do so and help out, channeled through many NGOs now helping out in the Bicol area. For those also wanting in life, let us pray for the victims.... that God be merciful and grant them the strength to re-build their lives and properties again.

So let us pray this supplication from the internet, which I edited accordingly.

Prayer After Calamities:

God, Creator of the universe.....

In our day of trouble, when our souls are weary
and refuse to be comforted,
we call to mind Your promise of hope.

In our day of trouble, when the clouds pour out water,
the skies thunder, and we tremble with fearful disbelief,
we remind each other of Your power to save.

In our day of trouble, when chaos and destruction surround us, we recall stories of the saints who took refuge in You.

In our day of trouble, when we seek rest and healing,
we meditate on Your mighty deeds in worship and praise.

O Eternal Father,
the cyclones’ fury has been grave.
We've seen the pictures, felt the pain,
of all those caught in flood and rain.
O hear us as we cry to Thee
for those engulfed in tragedy.

O Jesus, our Savior,
whose almighty hand
protects all those in every land,
send help and aid of every kind;
grant that we find a way to help.
O hear us as we cry to Thee,
may hope rise out of this tragedy.

O Holy Spirit,
stir great compassion, healing, love.
Pour down Your blessings from above.
O hear us as we cry to Thee,
may hope rise out of tragedy.

O Holy Trinity,
bless all Your servants in this hour,
to bring relief, to find a way,
to rebuild, and to heal today.
O hear us as we cry to Thee,
may hope rise out of this tragedy.

Mama Mary, our Mother and Refuge, intercede for us.

Saints Lorenzo Ruiz and Pedro Calungsod, pray for our people

Lord Jesus, be merciful and hear our prayers.


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