Tuesday, September 1, 2020

The "BER" months in the Philippines, in Year 2020:

Will the "BER" months come in the Philippines in the midst of this corona pandemic?  Or will the "BER" months be "quarantined", too, by the authorities as they come?

It's funny how things are happening in the country... the longest lock down but the highest cases of covid positive patients.  And the projection is that the number will continue to rise. But for now, let us divert our attention from the pandemic to the joy that is Christmas.

September is the start of the "BER" months in the Philippines.  It is part of the Filipino customs that the beginning of the "BER" months, which include September through December, is also the beginning of the long holiday season that will lead to Christmas and New Year celebrations, hopefully even during this time of pandemic. Let us not stop hoping and praying.

The Philippines, which is predominantly Christian nation in the whole of Asia, has the distinction and the reputation of having the earliest and the longest celebration of Christmas season.

The sound of "BER" months put a smile on the face of every Filipino. It's like there is a "magic" in the word that symbolizes hope and aspirations that even in the midst of life's struggles, even during this corona pandemic, there is time to celebrate the joy of living with sharing and singing.  Because in spite of depressing news of Filipinos dying of the deadly virus and even peaceful activists killed and murdered by unidentified assailants, terrorism in some part of Mindanao, Filipinos in general will find a reason to smile as the cool "BER" months begin, ushering in the joyous countdown to Christmas.

Although, things may not be as usual this time because of the pandemic.  In the past, when things were normal, radio programs started playing holiday tunes, and tv stations greeted the beginning of September with special shows that had Christmas themes already.  This year, sadly one major tv station was shut down for allegedly being "unfriendly" to those in power now.  So we don't know about Christmas tv specials this time. Also, it used to be that as days passed from the first day of September we already saw Christmas decorations all around -- at home, inside shopping malls, other business establishments, and in the streets.  Because when the "BER" months start, the store slowly start to display their Christmas products, like Christmas decor, Christmas lights, lanterns, decorative items, Santa Claus figures, etc.

Surely, it's going to be different during this pandemic; the malls have limited operation and a number of small businesses have closed shop permanently; the number of mall goers is also regulated; and worst a big number of people lost jobs and so no means to do their usual Christmas shopping. Whatever little money they may have is rather spent on food and other life essentials to survive the crisis.

Perhaps, the one not affected by this crisis is the weather, and it is expected that our mornings will get colder in the coming days and months. Lucky is the weather, so to speak, as it knows no pandemic.

For us in this generation, it will be a different Christmas season during this pandemic since the last world war.  There will be no 13th month and bonuses for those who lost jobs.  Even those who may be blessed to be able to receive bonuses still, it is likely they will re-think their priorities on spending money in non-essentials as no one knows how long this pandemic will last. Gift giving and sharing may be set aside for now in order to survive the hard times.

But then, let us not forget that life is a journey, and it should go on even with this corona pandemic.  Because when we stop to journey things don't go right.  We cannot just wait doing nothing and allow the deadly virus to take full control of our lives.  

So it is timely to use this rough storm in our lives to reflect more deeply on life's meaning and priorities.  Our Catholic faith reminds us that the real reason for the Christmas season is God's love. For God gave His only Son to save humanity, even from this pandemic.  Therefore, let us not forget to prepare our hearts for the coming of Jesus, our Lord and Savior this Christmas with charity for those affected the most. For no one is so rich not to need anything more. And no one is too poor that he is unable to share.  

In the words of Pope Francis, Christmas is joy, an inner joy of light and peace."  This is the true meaning, and reason, of Christmas: God loves us... even with this dreadful pandemic.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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