Sunday, October 30, 2016

All Saints' Day
In the Roman Catholic Church the Solemnity of All Saints is celebrated on November 1 in honor of all the saints, known and unknown.
This day commemorates all those departed who have attained the beatific vision in Heaven. Catholics celebrate All Saints' Day (and also All Souls' Day on November 2) in the fundamental belief that there is a prayerful spiritual communion between those in the state of grace who have died and are either being purified in purgatory or are in heaven already.
The Church in this great feast honors all the saints reigning together in glory. The purpose for this honor is first, to give
thanks to God for the graces and crowns of all his saints; secondly, to excite ourselves to a fervent imitation of their virtues by considering the holy example of so many faithful servants of God of all ages, sexes, and conditions, and by contemplating the inexpressible and eternal bliss which they already enjoy, and to which we are invited; thirdly, to implore the divine mercy through this multitude of powerful intercessors; fourthly, to repair any failures or sloth in not having duly honored God in his saints on their particular feast days, and to glorify Him in the saints which are unknown to us, or for which no particular feast days are appointed.
On All Saints' Day and in other feast days of the saints God is the only object of our supreme worship, and the whole of that inferior veneration which is paid to the saints is directed to give sovereign honor to God alone. Our addresses to saints are only petitions to holy fellow creatures for the assistance of their prayers to God for us.
In the Philippines, this day, called "Undas","Todos los Santos" (literally "All Saints") and sometimes "Araw ng mga Patay (translated "Day of the Dead") is observed as All Souls' Day. This day and the one before and one after it is spent visiting the graves of deceased relatives, where prayers and flowers are offered, candles are lit and the graves themselves are cleaned, repaired and repainted.
Short Reflection:
Our celebration of the solemnity of All Saints allows us to experience the joy of being part of the great family of God's friends whom we honor as saints. Because we know and believe that God wills to reconcile with Himself the whole of humanity so that together we can share in God's own life.
May the example and prayers of all the saints be our guide to sustain us at every stage of our earthly pilgrimages towards the kingdom of Heaven.
Prayer for All Saints' Day:
Father, All-Powerful and ever-living God,
today we rejoice in the holy men and women
of every time and place,
on the Solemnity of All Saints' Day.
May they intercede for us still in journey in this world.
May their prayers bring us your forgiveness and love.
We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ad Jesum per Mariam!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

We are a group, from different walks of life, from different parts of Las Pinas, with different personalities.
Although many individual differences, there is one common among us... we are all retired professionals, and we are friends.
Every morning, as we journey towards life's sunset, we meet for early morning talk, jokes, light discussion about anything under the sun.... over a cup of hot coffee in our favorite McDo store, to celebrate life and to celebrate our friendship, rain or shine that is.
But today, 16 September 2016, Friday, is different and it is really sad.
Because one of us, Pete Manalaysay, is finally home. We lost a dear friend and buddy. It was sudden and most unexpected, and it was a shock for all of us left behind. But then again we realize..... life is but a journey. And when we reach the sunset of life, it is not really the end..... but a new beginning.... a re-birth to eternal. Our friend Pete will always be with us... in our hearts. For friends you make towards the life' ends....are the friends you keep forever.
Indeed, we are a pilgrim people in journey through this world towards our final destiny in the Father's heavenly home.
Farewell, our dear friend, Pete Manalaysay. We will miss you. Be home with our loving Father, in the company of angels and your loved ones who completed their life's journey. Intercede for us with the Lord, and guide our steps on earth towards the joy of our heavenly destiny. Thank you for your friendship.
Our Prayer
Lord, you have a reason for everything. Even when we sometimes do not understand, we keep our faith in your Fatherly love. Please be merciful to our friend, Pete. Forgive him for the weakness of his flesh while on earh. And now please welcome him with love in the company of the faithful who have completed their journey ahead of all of us.
Give strength of faith to his family and loved ones left behind, so that they see the purpose in everything and surrender themselves completely to your divine will. Heal our wounds of doubts, heal the pain of loss.
Because in everything, O Lord, let your will be done always.
Ad Jesum per Mariam!

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

September 2016

Welcoming the "BER" months, only in the Philippines

September is the start of the "Ber" months in the Philippines. It is part of the Filipino customs that the beginning of the "Ber" months, which include September through December, is also the beginning of the holiday season that will lead to Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Thus, the Philippines, which is predominantly Christian nation in whole of Asia, has the distinction and the reputation of having the earliest and the longest celebration of Christmas.

The sound of "Ber" months put a smile on the face of every Filipino. It appears that there is "magic" in
the word that symbolizes hope and aspirations that even in the midst of life's struggles there is a time to celebrate the joy of living with sharing and singing. Because in spite of depressing news of Filipinos killed in the relentless drive against drug abuse, Filipinos will find a reason to smile as the cool "Ber" months begin, ushering in the joyous countdown to Christmas.

Expect that very soon, I hope and pray, radio programs will be playing holiday tunes, and tv station will greet the beginning of September with special shows that have Christmas themes already. As day passes from the first day of September, you will see Christmas decorations all around --at home, in the streets, inside shopping malls, and other business establishments. Because when the "Ber" month starts, the store will slowly start to display their Christmas products, like Christmas decor, Christmas lights, lanterns, decorative Santa Claus, etc.

Even the weather joins in, as it is expected that the mornings will get colder in the coming days.
While Filipinos are known for their last-minute shopping, usually after the release of the 13th month pay and Christmas bonuses in mid-December perhaps, it is not unusual that many actually begin preparing their lists for holiday shopping and gift-giving as early as the month of September.

It is still about 116 days before Christmas, yet shopping malls start to become busy and crowded with shoppers and onlookers as the "Ber" months progress. This atmosphere is expected to become even more lively and happy when stores are finally decked with holiday attractions.

Amidst all the anticipation and holiday preparation, the

Catholic Church reminds the faithful about the real meaning of the Christmas season: God's love. For He gave His only Son to save humanity. Let us not forget to prepare our hearts for the coming of the Savior. For this is the true meaning, and reason, of Christmas: God loves us!

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated every August 15, which falls on Monday this year.

The Feast commemorates the glorious moment when the Blessed Mother was taken up body and soul into the glory of Heaven at the end of her life (a foretaste of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time.) She is the only human being granted this singular privilege as the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because it signifies the Blessed Virgin's passing into eternal life, it is the most important of all Marian feasts.

Pope Pius XII defined the Dogma of the Assumption on November 1, 1950. As a dogma, the Assumption is a required belief of all Catholics; anyone who publicly dissents from the dogma, Pope Pius declared, "has fallen away completely from the divine and Catholic Faith."

Scripture does not give an account of Mary's Assumption into Heaven. But belief that Mary, without dying or shortly after death, has been taken up into Heaven with her body and her soul has been part of the teaching of the Catholic Church since the earliest centuries of Christianity. That early Christian believed in Mary's Assumption is proven in the lack of her relics, empty tomb, and quotes from early Christians.

The Feast of the Assumption gives each of us great hope as we contemplate this one facet of the beautiful woman of faith, our Blessed Mother Mary moves us by example and prayer to grow in God's grace, to be receptive to His will, to convert our lives through sacrifice and penance, and seek the everlasting union in the Heavenly kingdom. This Feast confirms us in the virtue of hope, whereby we seek holiness of life in the midst of our ordinary duties.

Catholics are encouraged to go to Mass on the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Mother, although it is no longer a holy day of obligation in the Church here in the Philippines.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Congratulations again, Miss Ganda.... and now Miss Principal....
Now that you have achieved an important milestone in your professional career, let me share with you my personal thoughts.

As parents, we are so proud of you, not only that you have finally completed your masteral, but more because we know how you "struggle" to achieve this important step in your dreams.

It was not easy along the way, because you were working while pursuing your studies. You sourced
your own funds to achieve this goal by studying for scholarship, even when we provided financial support sparingly... when absolutely necessary. Sometimes, you almost wanted to give up, but with our encouragement and that of your brothers, and perhaps even from some of your closest friends, you persisted.

In the end it was PRAYER... yours and ours, and your closest friends perhaps, that really helped you make it through. Thank You, Lord.

That is why you so deserve this joy.... the joy of achievement. We will continue to pray that you push yourself some more.... to the limits.

For dreams have no boundaries.... they have no limits.

And as you move on, we will surely journey with you.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Appreciating the PRESENT.....

TODAY, 9 May 2016, is National Election Day in my country, the Philippines. Many of its citizens, including me, woke up early to go to their respective precincts to cast their votes, which will determine the next six years of our collective journey as an independent nation.

It is a day very important for me, too, not only as a registered voter myself but for much more important reason. (And it is the first time, that this special day for me has been declared a national holiday... ha ha ha.)

For as open my eyes, there to behold is my special PRESENT for this day.  Indeed when we wake up every morning to a new sunrise is our PRESENT... It is the "present" that life gives us, another chance to start anew, nourish our hurts, rise from our failures, pursue our dreams.

This happens every day, even when we do not always realize it perhaps. For every day when we wake up, the "present" is there, before us, a "present" sent to us by God.... a whole day to use in the best possible way.

Sometimes, and only sometimes perhaps....  it comes with problems, issues that we do not seem able to handle or solve. Sometimes, and only sometimes perhaps.... it may even come with sadness, deception, frustrations, even tears.

But also other times it comes full of surprises, happiness, success and achievements....

For me personally, this day is a very special PRESENT.... with gratitude and full of blessings, in which I can feel the loving presence of my Creator.... the PRESENT of this day that brings me peace, spiritual growth, gratitude, a milestone in life's journey, and enlightenment on all I still have to learn about my every day, and the plan life has for me still.... every day that may come....

Thank you my dear parents for the gift of life, even as I pray that you continue to guide and protect me always... To all my siblings, thank you, too, for the family we shared. Though you have all gone ahead of me, please be near when I am called home too.

And thank You, Lord, for the PRESENT of this special day, the journey of my life, the blessings of family and friends. And when my time is up, please welcome me home to enjoy the ultimate joy of your heavenly presence... the greatest Present I could ever have.

Because in all things, always Your will be done.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!.