Saturday, May 14, 2016

Appreciating the PRESENT.....

TODAY, 9 May 2016, is National Election Day in my country, the Philippines. Many of its citizens, including me, woke up early to go to their respective precincts to cast their votes, which will determine the next six years of our collective journey as an independent nation.

It is a day very important for me, too, not only as a registered voter myself but for much more important reason. (And it is the first time, that this special day for me has been declared a national holiday... ha ha ha.)

For as open my eyes, there to behold is my special PRESENT for this day.  Indeed when we wake up every morning to a new sunrise is our PRESENT... It is the "present" that life gives us, another chance to start anew, nourish our hurts, rise from our failures, pursue our dreams.

This happens every day, even when we do not always realize it perhaps. For every day when we wake up, the "present" is there, before us, a "present" sent to us by God.... a whole day to use in the best possible way.

Sometimes, and only sometimes perhaps....  it comes with problems, issues that we do not seem able to handle or solve. Sometimes, and only sometimes perhaps.... it may even come with sadness, deception, frustrations, even tears.

But also other times it comes full of surprises, happiness, success and achievements....

For me personally, this day is a very special PRESENT.... with gratitude and full of blessings, in which I can feel the loving presence of my Creator.... the PRESENT of this day that brings me peace, spiritual growth, gratitude, a milestone in life's journey, and enlightenment on all I still have to learn about my every day, and the plan life has for me still.... every day that may come....

Thank you my dear parents for the gift of life, even as I pray that you continue to guide and protect me always... To all my siblings, thank you, too, for the family we shared. Though you have all gone ahead of me, please be near when I am called home too.

And thank You, Lord, for the PRESENT of this special day, the journey of my life, the blessings of family and friends. And when my time is up, please welcome me home to enjoy the ultimate joy of your heavenly presence... the greatest Present I could ever have.

Because in all things, always Your will be done.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!.

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