Wednesday, September 21, 2016

We are a group, from different walks of life, from different parts of Las Pinas, with different personalities.
Although many individual differences, there is one common among us... we are all retired professionals, and we are friends.
Every morning, as we journey towards life's sunset, we meet for early morning talk, jokes, light discussion about anything under the sun.... over a cup of hot coffee in our favorite McDo store, to celebrate life and to celebrate our friendship, rain or shine that is.
But today, 16 September 2016, Friday, is different and it is really sad.
Because one of us, Pete Manalaysay, is finally home. We lost a dear friend and buddy. It was sudden and most unexpected, and it was a shock for all of us left behind. But then again we realize..... life is but a journey. And when we reach the sunset of life, it is not really the end..... but a new beginning.... a re-birth to eternal. Our friend Pete will always be with us... in our hearts. For friends you make towards the life' ends....are the friends you keep forever.
Indeed, we are a pilgrim people in journey through this world towards our final destiny in the Father's heavenly home.
Farewell, our dear friend, Pete Manalaysay. We will miss you. Be home with our loving Father, in the company of angels and your loved ones who completed their life's journey. Intercede for us with the Lord, and guide our steps on earth towards the joy of our heavenly destiny. Thank you for your friendship.
Our Prayer
Lord, you have a reason for everything. Even when we sometimes do not understand, we keep our faith in your Fatherly love. Please be merciful to our friend, Pete. Forgive him for the weakness of his flesh while on earh. And now please welcome him with love in the company of the faithful who have completed their journey ahead of all of us.
Give strength of faith to his family and loved ones left behind, so that they see the purpose in everything and surrender themselves completely to your divine will. Heal our wounds of doubts, heal the pain of loss.
Because in everything, O Lord, let your will be done always.
Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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