Thursday, April 6, 2023

 Introduction from Day 1:

Reflection for Holy Week (Last of three parts)
The Catholic Church celebrates during the Holy Week the mysteries of salvation accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ in the last days of His earthly life. Recall that it began last Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, as we commemorated our Lord's messianic entry into Jerusalem as Prince of Peace.
The weekdays of April 3-8 are dedicated to the celebration of penance. The faithful are encouraged to spend these days reflecting more deeply on the Passion of our Lord.
The Paschal Triduum:
The Paschal Triduum is ONE liturgical feast spread over three days. These are the last three days of Holy Week, which are the most solemn days of the liturgical year: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil. These most holy days celebrate the Paschal Mystery, first, the passion, suffering and death of the Lord Jesus, followed by his resurrection, triumph of the holy cross, and Christ's decisive victory over sin and death.
Holy Saturday (April 8 ) - Day 3 and last
Holy Saturday commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body is laid in the tomb. The whole day we keep our spiritual silence, to reflect on God's redeeming love who gave up His only Son to save us from sins, and also to prepare for Easter.
The sanctuary remains stripped completely bare (following the Mass on Holy Thursday). It reflects our deep sorrow and contrition for Jesus' death.
Liturgically speaking, Holy Saturday lasts until 6 PM or dusk, after which the Easter Vigil is celebrated, making the official start of the Easter season.
Easter Vigil:
The Easter Vigil is the greatest and most noble of all solemnities of the Church. On this holy night we keep watch, celebrating the resurrection of Christ in the sacraments, as we await His return in glory. The Easter Vigil is the most beautiful liturgy in the Roman Catholic Church. This is the turning point of the Paschal Triduum, like the Passover of the new covenant, which marks Christ's passage from death to life, and the beginning of Easter.
The Easter Vigil liturgy is divided into four parts:
1. Service of Light:
At the start of the liturgy, the main church is dark with all the lights out, the tabernacle empty, and the baptismal font is drained of holy water. The service begins in a suitable place outside the church. A new fire is lit and blessed as the people gathered around it to experience the flames dispelling the darkness and lighting up the night. A new Paschal Candle is also lit and is carried in procession inside the church.
2. Liturgy of the word:
A unique aspect of the Easter Vigil is the recounting of the outstanding deeds of the history of salvation. Usually there are nine readings: seven from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. This may be reduced if necessary, but at least three from the Old Testament and two from the New Testament. These readings help us to meditate on the wonderful works of God for His people since the beginning of time.
After the reading from the Old Testament, the candles at the altar are lit as the priest intones the "Gloria". The bells are rung.
3. Liturgy of Baptism:
Baptism is commemorated with the blessing of new baptismal water and the recitation of Litany of the Saints. Usually, a ritual of baptism takes place for new converts. Then holy water is sprinkled upon the people as they recite the Renewal of Baptismal Promises.
4. Liturgy of the Eucharist:
The Mass continues with the usual Liturgy of the Eucharist and distribution of Holy Communion. The whole Church is called to join at the sacrificial table that Christ prepared for us through His death and resurrection.
The entire celebration of the Easter Vigil begins at nightfall of Holy Saturday and ends before dawn of Easter Sunday.
Those who participate at the Easter Vigil fulfill their Sunday obligation. But they may still attend regular Easter Sunday Mass and receive Holy Communion.
The entire liturgy of the Easter Vigil speaks of our eager expectation of the Resurrection and of its exultant occurrence. The darkness of death has been overcome, the glorious light of Christ has appeared.
The Paschal Triduum is really one great liturgy, which began with the Mass of the Last Supper on Holy Thursday, through the liturgy of Good Friday, and now ends with the final blessing of the Mass on Easter Vigil. In the celebration of the Paschal Triduum the faithful are encouraged to walk with our Lord to His calvary from Holy Thursday to His final victory on Easter Vigil... one great Pachal Triduum indeed!
Our Lord Jesus Christ is risen! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Happy Easter Sunday to you all. And thank you for a moment with God.
Ad Jesum per Mariam!


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