Thursday, February 20, 2020

Ash Wednesday in the Catholic Church

On Ash Wednesday, which falls on February 26, in 2020, we begin our Lenten journey. Lent is the season of preparation for Easter Sunday.

Ash Wednesday always falls 46 days before Easter Sunday. It is no longer a Holy Day of obligation but our Mother Church encourages all Catholics to attend Mass on this day in order to mark the beginning of our Lenten journey with our Lord Jesus Christ as He endures His Calvary for our redemption.

Distribution of Ashes

It is called Ash Wednesday because literally ashes are distributed during Mass. These ashes are from the burning of the blessed palms of the previous year's celebration of Palm Sunday.

After the homily, the priest blesses the ashes and sprinkles them with holy water. The faithful come forward to receive them. The priest, or lay minister, dips his right thumb in the ashes and makes the sign of the cross with them on each person's forehead, while saying these words:

"Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return" or

"Repent, and believe in the Gospel." 

Now, this traditional ritual of the imposition of blessed ashes may change, depending on specific dioceses, to safeguard public health in view of the corona virus disease or COVID-19.  

A Day of Repentance

The symbolism of the distribution of the ashes reminds us of our own mortality, and calls us to repentance. Those who receive the ashes usually leave the markings of the ashes on the forehead all day as a sign of repentance and humility.

Fasting and Abstinence

The Universal Church requires us to fast and abstain from meat in keeping with the penitential nature of Ash Wednesday.

Fasting is required from ages 18 to 60. This means they can eat only one complete meal and two smaller ones during Ash Wednesday, with no other food intake in-between.

Abstinence covers those with age of 14 and above, who are required to refrain from eating any meat, or any food made with meat on Ash Wednesday.

A Journey of Hope

The annual Lenten Season is a fitting time to climb the holy mountain of Easter. It is our journey of hope towards our redemption from sin, when our Lord Jesus Christ rises again from the dead on Easter Sunday.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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