Saturday, August 31, 2019

Welcoming the "Ber" Months....

In the Gregorian calendar the last four months of the year are fondly called the "Ber" months. It starts in SeptemBer through OctoBer, and NovemBer, and then DecemBer. These months have even more significance in the Filipino customs because the beginning of the "Ber" months is also the start of the long holiday season in the Philippines all through the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

The Philippines has the distinction as the only country that starts the holiday season once September comes in. Thus, the world's longest Christmas season is celebrated in the Philippines, Asia's predominantly Christian nation.

Soon radio programs and television shows will be featuring holiday tunes, just like it is actually Christmas already. Even the weather joins in, because we begin to feel the colder mornings, especially in the coming days.

It is worth noting that in both blissful and hard times the Filipino resilient spirit always finds a reason to smile, and more so as the cool "Ber" months begin, ushering in the joyous countdown to Christmas.

Now, Filipinos are known for their last-minute shopping, perhaps or usually after the release of 13th month pay and Christmas bonuses in mid-December. But it is not unusual that many actually begin preparing their lists for holiday shopping and gift-giving as early as the month of September.

It is still 116 days before Christmas as of the first day of the "ber" months, yet shopping malls start to become busy and crowded with shoppers and onlookers, and even more as the "ber" months progress. This atmosphere is expected to become more lively and happy when the malls and other stores are finally decked with holiday attractions.

But on top of all the anticipation, the Catholic Church always reminds the faithful about the real meaning of the Christmas season: God so loved the world that He gave His only Son to redeem us from sin. Thus, in the midst of our material and physical holiday preparations, Christmas celebration should always be Christ-centered: Christ is with us. That really is the true meaning of CHRISTMAS!

Let us then welcome the "Ber" months... in the spirit of Christian love.

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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