Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Tabaco National High School Logo.....
In the 1980s and early 1990s.... during my watch as the leader of Batch 68..... we sponsored all the medal requirements of TNHS during their commencement exercises using this logo with Batch 68 at the back as the sponsoring batch.
Class 68 also had its own annual award as Outstanding Youth Award with certain criteria, but the choosing was done by THNS Faculty. Two of such class medals were given to a girl recipient and a boy recipient.
Funding for this annual project was from donations by generous members of Class 68, although the sponsorship was given in the name of the whole Class 68, and not any particular member. Thank you to those who had supported this worthy project.
At that time, our class coordinator with TNHS Faculty was Gene Asancha. When Gene passed on, we could not find a replacement for this particular role for Batch 68 and so the traditional sponsorship of TNHS medals died a natural death. Too bad. But the new leadership of Class 68 may want to pick it up again.
(By the way....Gene Asancha was also sponsoring his own medal awards in other public schools in Tabaco as his personal contribution to youth development. Class 68 salutes your generous heart, Gene and may you rest in peace.)
Just reminiscing the glory days..... since I came across this TNHS logo in the internet.....

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