Monday, September 1, 2014

The "Ber" Months in the Philippines

September 1 is the start of the "ber" months in the Philippines.  It is part of the Filipino customs that at the beginning of the "ber" months, which include September through December, is also the beginning of the holiday season that will lead to Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Thus, the Philippines has the distinction as the only country that starts the holiday season once September comes in. In fact the world's longest Christmas season is celebrated in the Philippines, Asia's predominantly Christian nation.

It is no wonder that since this morning some radio programs begin playing holiday tunes, and tv stations greet the beginning of September with special shows that have Christmas themes already. Even the weather joins in, as it is expected that the mornings will get colder in the coming days.

Despite the hard times, Filipinos have reason to smile as the cool "ber" months begin, ushering in the joyous countdown to Christmas.

While Filipinos are normally known for their last-minute shopping, usually after the release of 13th month pay and Christmas bonuses in mid-December, it is not unusual that many actually begin preparing their lists for holiday shopping and gift-giving as early as the month of September.

It is still 116 days before Christmas as of today, yet shopping malls start to become busy and crowded with shoppers and onlookers as the "ber" months progress. This atmosphere is expected to become more lively and happy when stores are finally decked with holiday attractions.

On top of all the anticipation, the Catholic Church always reminds the faithful about the real meaning of the Christmas season: it is all about love, God's love. For God gave His only Son to save us. That's the true meaning of CHRISTMAS!

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

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