Sunday, September 7, 2014

Woman full of God's grace!

The angel Gabriel greeted the young Mary in the annunciation, thus: "Hail, full of grace. The Lord is with you!"

Indeed, Mary is full of God's grace from the very beginning, since she is the only human without the stain of original sin that we inherited from our first parents. Because from the very beginning of creation Mary was chosen by God to be the Mother of his only begotten Son. Thus, from her human womb God the Son became one like us in all things but sin.

Today, September 8 is traditionally celebrated by the Catholic Church as the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Although it is no longer a day of obligation, Catholics are encouraged to go to Mass to greet Mary, the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother too, a Very Happy Birthday!

     Happy Birthday, Mama Mary!

"The prayers and readings" in the Mass for this special day "point to the birth of Jesus, which is the 'dawn of our Salvation'". Because the "liturgy wants us to view the birth of Mary in relation to the birth of her Son." (Source: Ordo 2012) For it was Mary's "fiat" (translated, "let it be") that made possible salvation from our sins.

Our Dear Mama Mary, on your birthday, we greet you with the prayer of Hail Holy Queen, in Latin version:

Salve Regina, 
Mater  misericordiae,

Vita, dulcedo, 
et spes nostra, salve

Ad te clamamus, 
exsules filii Evae,

Ad te suspiramus, 
gementes et flentes

in hac lacrimarum valle.

Eia, ergo, advocata nostra, 
illos tuos
 misericordes oculos 
ad nos converte;
 et lesum, 
benedictum fructum ventris tui,

nobis post hoc exsilium ostende.

O Clemens; O Pia, 
O Dulcis Virgo Maria!

Mama Mary, please pray for us,
our country, and the whole Church!

Ad Jesum per Mariam!

Friday, September 5, 2014

September 5, 2014: 

Today I woke up with a home-made choco cake from my son, Mico, to celebrate my 6th year "graduation" from the corporate world.

I decided to "retire" earlier than the mandatory age six years ago to enjoy life and my family,
after working for more than three decades of my adult life. I guess my family celebrates that day since I spend more time with them ever since.

Thank You, Lord for the blessing of work, the benefits I earned and continue to enjoy at retirement, and the friends that accompanied me in my journey of life through the corporate world. These are the sweet memories I bring along, as I continue my journey towards life's sunset. Amen.

Monday, September 1, 2014

The "Ber" Months in the Philippines

September 1 is the start of the "ber" months in the Philippines.  It is part of the Filipino customs that at the beginning of the "ber" months, which include September through December, is also the beginning of the holiday season that will lead to Christmas and New Year celebrations.

Thus, the Philippines has the distinction as the only country that starts the holiday season once September comes in. In fact the world's longest Christmas season is celebrated in the Philippines, Asia's predominantly Christian nation.

It is no wonder that since this morning some radio programs begin playing holiday tunes, and tv stations greet the beginning of September with special shows that have Christmas themes already. Even the weather joins in, as it is expected that the mornings will get colder in the coming days.

Despite the hard times, Filipinos have reason to smile as the cool "ber" months begin, ushering in the joyous countdown to Christmas.

While Filipinos are normally known for their last-minute shopping, usually after the release of 13th month pay and Christmas bonuses in mid-December, it is not unusual that many actually begin preparing their lists for holiday shopping and gift-giving as early as the month of September.

It is still 116 days before Christmas as of today, yet shopping malls start to become busy and crowded with shoppers and onlookers as the "ber" months progress. This atmosphere is expected to become more lively and happy when stores are finally decked with holiday attractions.

On top of all the anticipation, the Catholic Church always reminds the faithful about the real meaning of the Christmas season: it is all about love, God's love. For God gave His only Son to save us. That's the true meaning of CHRISTMAS!

Ad Jesum per Mariam!