Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Reflections of a Pilgrim

As life's sunset comes nearer by the day, I am now just a pilgrim here on earth, no longer consumed by ambitions and competition, but just the joy of living, charting my remaining steps to my destiny. So now the walk is more gentle, more calm and relaxed, savoring every single step of the way, as I make my final footprints in the sands of life.

It is more fun doing just a leisurely walk in time, enjoying every moment of dear life, I mean what is left of it anyway. That is why I become kinder to myself and less critical of myself, trying my best to be at peace with my own imperfections. In a way, I become my own best friend.

Time becomes a luxury, and among the best use of it is to pray for all my loved ones alive, as well as those who chose to leave this world too soon: my dear parents, all my siblings, my departed classmates and friends.

And especially, of course, I pray for dear ones still with me to enjoy the joy of living: my own family, my children and my wife, as together we appreciate the blessing that comes with getting old. Indeed every moment with my loved ones is a treasure. but also always ready to accept that any moment it may be a final goodbye.

Perhaps I become a bit forgetful now... sometimes. I realize it is part of getting old, I think. But even so, some of life is just as well forgotten, isn't it? Because I choose to remember only the happy and joyful things instead.

In the journey of life I had my share of being brokenhearted, too, like all other mortals, I know. For how can your heart not break at each time you lose someone dear? Or when a loved one suffers or in pain?

Yet, it is also true that the experience of a broken heart has its own blessing. For it gave me the strength, and understanding, and compassion to face realities of life as they unfold. Because a heart that has never been broken is pristine and sterile, and will never know the joy of being imperfect, and being able to move on again with hope and trust that we are capable of overcoming.

So as I near (I think) my own sunset, I become philosophical and look at life more positively now. Like I care less about what other people think or say of me. I don't question myself anymore, especially if I can't figure out the answer anyway. In fact I feel that I have even earned the right to be wrong, at least sometimes.

Also, growing old sets me free to do whatever makes me happy. It feels good that way. I like the person that I become with just little regrets. And while I am still here in this journey I would rather not waste time lamenting what would have been, or even worrying about what will be. Just let it be... Amen.

So today is a great blessing that I reach another milestone in my pilgrimage of life. It is my special day in God's time, to celebrate life anew, while my time lasts, and enjoy the friendship of those who touched my life with love and kindness.

And so, my God and my Lord, I kneel before You today and let my heart whisper my humble prayer:

Thank You, O Lord, for the gift of my life.
Thank You for the blessing of the year that was.
Thank You for all those who remember me today.
Thank You, too, even for those who may have forgotten.

Thank you to my dear parents,
for sharing life and love with me.
Thank you to my siblings,
for the joy of living.
Thank you to all  my dear friends,
for the happiness and inspiration shared.

Thank You for the lesson and experience of the past;
for time of success, which are happy memories;
for times of trials, which remind of my own weakness,
and most of all my dependence on You, my God;
for time of joy when the sun is shining bright;
for time of sadness which drove me to You.

Lord, in Your mercy forgive me
for the hours I wasted,
for the chances I failed to take,
for the opportunities I missed.

Help me, O Lord, in my days remaining
to celebrate always life's unfolding,
both the rains and sunshine,
and thus bring happiness to all,
and joy to You, my loving Father.

Deo Optimo Maximo!

Posted: 9 May 2013

Nick Isip
9 May 2013

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