Saturday, May 14, 2022

 May 2022 Post-Election Reflection:

I prayed for a win, went early with family to cast our votes at the opening of voting time, celebrated my special day, and then prayed again for my team.

No prayer is unanswered, not always in the way we want, but in God's own ways and perfect timing. This I believe and hold on to when despair tries to overwhelm me.

So I tried to search deep for consolation and possible answers to what appears to be a complete set back.

Is she being spared from a possible catastrophic presidency?  Because if she had won I realized she would be dealing with hostile senate and congress as early election results show trapo politicians and political dynasties are back and new members include jerks and what have you. These politicians are likely to connive to make her presidency ineffective and isolated so people would blame her for all the nation's woes.

In my heart I know she did not lose but the country lost a rare and only opportunity to have a true servant-leader never tainted with corruption, and has no political dynasty. There is only one like her in our generation, but the people chose to put her aside for a new "Barrabas".  It so sad and tragic.

My consolation is that I know she will continue to inspire the best in us, to be an icon of good governance and effective leadership especially for those in the "laylayan" even out of the government service.  She has done so before entering politics and she is likely to come back to it again.  She will be the "woman in the rain" standing tall to face the storms. She is the burning fire of hope in ourselves that will never be extinguished with one set back.

The OVP will close at the end of her term but likely that her advocacy in Angat Buhay sa Lahat will continue to serve the poor and the marginalized because serving is her passion.  This time, without the never ending bashing and unfounded criticisms because now she will be doing it as private citizen.

These are the answers to my prayers, after all, not in my ways, not now, but in God's ways and in His own perfect timing. I do not completely understand but I trust completely.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. (Is 55:8)"

"As high as the heavens are above the earth, so high are my ways above your ways and my thoughts above your thoughts." (Is 55:9)

Yes, Lord, I believe and trust in Your will and timing. For now please heal my wounds, heal my broken-heartedness because I trust completely in Your promise and reassuring words. Strengthen me and our nation as we face another devastating storms in our national lives... trusting always that at such time we see only one set of footprints in the sand as we endure, we know it is time that You carry us through our life's storm. Amen.