Monday, May 25, 2015

Prayer for Healing....

O Father of mercies and God of all comfort,
our only hope in time of need:

We humbly beseech Thee to behold,
visit, and relieve Thy sick servants,
for whom our prayers are desired.

Look upon them with the eyes of Thy mercy;
comfort them with a sense of Thy goodness;
preserve them from the temptations of the enemy;
and give them patience under their affliction.

In Thy good time, restore them to health,
and enable them to lead the residue
of their lives in Thy fear, and to Thy glory,
and grant that finally they may dwell
with Thee in life everlasting,
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

9 May 2015:

Thank You for the blessings..... go on to dream....

We can learn many great lessons about life in Mother Nature. I am fascinated, for example, observing water flowing in a stream. I can feel it in my hands but never hold on to it even for a second longer. It goes on to flow almost non-stop into the wide oceans and the seas.

In reflection, the flowing water of a stream mirrors some truths about life as well. For
our life is a continuing journey too, much like the flowing water of a stream in Mother Nature. We can feel it, live it, but life moves on in a journey until we reach life's destiny one day.

But if for an instant God gives me a moment to pause from this journey of life, I would take advantage of the time to reflect and appreciate life's many blessings:

Thank You, Lord, for many answered prayers of mine; and thank You more when You made me the answer to someone else's prayer.

Thank You for the gift of each day. How I live my day is my gift to myself, and to You.

Thank You that I have seen both the good days and the bad ones. Thank You that I may not always have what I want, but You always bless me with all that I really need.

I realize that my life is far from perfect..... but thank You, Lord that I had my perfect moments.

Thank You that I do not grieve for the things I don't have, but instead rejoice over the things that I already have.

Thank You for the gift of family, the blessing of dear friends; for their patience, understanding, and the joy of their acceptance of me, in spite of myself and my imperfections.

Thank You, Lord for all that You give: the life I celebrate today, the food on my table, and for my loved ones and friends who walk with me in this journey.

And, Lord,if you allow me more time to journey, I would go on to dream, wallow in the sunlight like the child I once was, leaving uncovered, not only my body but also my soul.

For there is always morning when life gives us another opportunity, second chances if you wish, to make things better.

Then I would try to sleep less and dream more. Because now I realize that for every minute that I close my eyes I lose sixty seconds of light.

Perhaps, I would even dare to try where others gave up, or rise up when others prefer to sleep, so that second chances and opportunities are not wasted.

I would enjoy life more, and prove to everyone that we must not stop to fall in love as we get older, because we actually get older when we stop to fall in love.

I would go  on to celebrate life, feel young always, despite my age, by surrounding myself with family and friends to keep me company in this journey, albeit towards the sunset of life.

Yes, Lord, I just go on to dream, to face life's challenges, enjoy the journey, explore the unknown, and never be afraid... because I know You are already there.... waiting for my return to the heavenly home.

But today is something special, to appreciate all my blessings and be truly grateful for everything that was, that is, and will be: the gift of my life, the food on our table, the good health I enjoy, the blessings of my loved ones and friends. 

Dear Lord, I pray for mercy and grace to help me go on enjoying every step along the way, always with a thankful heart and loving ways, so that those I touch with my life in this path of life may see a reflection of You in my very self. Amen.